Team CCC

Team CCC is a network of runners who raise money for Children’s Cancer Connection. Members earn special swag, prizes and other perks for their fundraising.
CCC is the official charity partner of the IMT Des Moines Marathon, and Team CCC members can participate in the event’s various races. Once a member reaches $250 in funds raised, they will receive a free IMT Des Moines Marathon or Half Marathon race registration, a CCC T-shirt, and sign recognition.
Team CCC Perks
Participant Incentive
- $250 – Team CCC t-shirt, personalized sign, and free IMT Des Moines Marathon or Half Marathon race registration (hit this mark BEFORE you register for the race, then register with a promo code). Participating in a different race? You still get the t-shirt and sign!
For questions, reach out to the CCC Events Manager.