Campership Challenge

Campership Challenge is an easy online way to help support Children’s Cancer Connection’s many Camp Heart Connection programs. While all of CCC’s camp programs are offered at no cost to Iowa families, they DO take a significant budget to operate. Campership Challenge was created to allow individuals a chance to raise funds for these one-of-a-kind camps that mean so much to hundreds of campers each year.  

Camp programs include weeklong Oncology and Sibling Camps, weekend-long Family and Teen Camps, and two weeks of Day Camp each summer. Campership Challenge is for everyone – current and former campers, and volunteer staff members, as well as CCC parents, grandparents and family friends! YOU can make a difference, and there are fun incentives, too!

Get started! 

The Campership Challenge Toolkit is full of tips and tricks to make your fundraising a success.

2025 Incentives

The highest fundraiser gets a pizza party for their cabin or a cabin of their choice (one winner for Oncology Camp and one winner for Sibling Camp)!

  • $6,000 – Your name on a Cabin Sign at one of the weeks at Summer Camp and Reunited Badge
  • $2,500 – Pie a Director’s Team Member at Camp and Chief Ranger Badge
  • $1,500 – Facebook and Instagram Shout Out from the Camp Director
  • $750 – CCC Socks and Lead Ranger Badge
  • $500 – CCC Water Bottle and Park Ranger Badge
  • $250 – CCC Wristband Keychain and Park Explorer Badge
  • $150 – Camp Heart Connection Shirt and Park Adventurer Badge
  • $75 – Traditional CCC Sunglasses, CHC Sticker, and Welcome to the Camp Family Badge

(Prizes may change based on availability. In that case, you will be given a comparable prize.)

The deadline to guarantee prizes is May 15, 2025, but Campership Challenge will officially end on July 5.

Creating your page and getting started

  1. Follow THIS LINK to set up your personal fundraising page.
  2. Download the Campership Challenge Toolkit to help you get started. 
  3. Share your page on social media or through email with all your friends and family. Have them join you in supporting Children’s Cancer Connection’s camp programs!
  4. The more you raise, the more support you are providing for camp programs and the more fun incentives you can receive!