Birdies for Charity
The Principal Charity Classic’s Birdies for Charity® program is a matching funds program that benefits children in Iowa. Children’s Cancer Connection is proud to be one of the partner charities. CCC receives every penny raised on our behalf, plus up to a 10% match on every donation, up to $12,500 in total matching funds. That’s like sending 25 kids to camp or providing more than 2,500 Beads4Bravery®!

Ways to Help
- Host a Campership Challenge, run for Team CCC, or attend one of the CCC fundraising events that are designated as Birdies for Charity partnership events: Camping the Night Away, Go FORE Gold, or Dodgeball Tournament.
- Pledge a per-birdie amount based on birdies made by PGA Tour Champions players during the tournament. CCC will keep 100% of the pledges collected on our behalf.
- Go to the Principal Charity Classic website and make a one-time flat donation to CCC. CCC will receive 100% of your donation, PLUS up to a 10% match thanks to funding from our friends at Sammons Financial Group.